

  • JL Distribution Ltd France :

Société de droit étranger
SIREN : 812 201 937
Code APE : 4674B
Numero de TVA : FR64812201937
Siège social France : 8 rue du Galor – 65380 Orincles

  • JL Distribution ltd

Siege social USA : 17631 80th Dr NE – Arlington, WA 98223
Numero UBI: 603 072 205

The general manager is Pascal JEAN-LOUIS.

Le site www.merrilleurope.com est hébergé par : Middleweb

Accès to our site

To access our site  the user need an internet access. Our site is free, except the cost of your internet provider.

JL Distribution ltd cannot be held responsable of any connection issue related to the internet.

JL Distribution ltd reserve the right to suspend temporally the access to our website.

General terms

All users are to follow the terms and conditions of this site and of their country or residence.